Learning iPad Programming, 2nd Edition May 21, 2013 Learning iPad Programming, 2nd edition, by the excellent Kirby Turner and myself, is *finally* available. This project has been in the works for a while and now it's finally actually shipping and in print and stuff instead of just being preorderable. If you order now you can probably have your copy before I get mine. ...
iCloud as She is Spoke, Spring 2013 May 14, 2013 In this latest installment of my iCloud series I’ll be taking a look at real world iCloud. Not in the sense of how you should write code to make effective use of iCloud, but in the sense of finding out how people are actually using it in real shipping apps. This was one of my primary purposes in writing momdec, my Core Data model decompiler, and I’ll use it here to see what turns up. ...
iCloud Complications, Part 3: I'm Waiting... May 7, 2013 In today’s installment of my continuing series on using iCloud with Core Data I’m going to discuss how factors beyond your control may render iCloud unusable, even if everything is working normally. Even if everything is working correctly, the current API can still require complex workarounds to get decent app performance. Through this, keep in mind that as with my previous post, I’m sticking to how the API is designed to work in the absence of bugs in the implementation. ...
Introducing momcom May 3, 2013 momcom is a command-line tool for Mac OS X that takes an uncompiled Core Data model created with Xcode and compiles it to produce a compiled '.mom' or '.momd' suitable for use at run time. ...
Introducing momdec Apr 17, 2013 momdec is a command-line tool for Mac OS X that takes a compiled Core Data model and decompiles it to produce an equivalent xcdatamodel or xcdatamodeld suitable for use in Xcode. The resulting model file can also be used with mogenerator to produce source code files for Core Data entities which have custom subclasses. ...
iCloud Complications, Part 2: De-duplication Apr 15, 2013 Today I’m continuing my series of iCloud/Core Data-related posts with a discussion of duplicate data, how and why it occurs, and what you can do about it in your apps. As with my previous post in this series, today I’m sticking to how things are supposed to work and sometimes actually do. The problem of duplicate data isn’t actually specific to iCloud. It can happen in any case where people might create data on different devices and where your app wants to sync that data between the devices. ...
iOSDevCamp Colorado 2013 Apr 12, 2013 It's almost time for iOSDevCamp Colorado, an informal un-conference where anyone is welcome and encouraged to present about anything relevant to iOS development. Colorado has a fantastic iOS developer community and these events are a great place to meet people, learn things, and have fun. ...
iCloud Complications, Part 1 Apr 9, 2013 As (link:/blog/icloud-sotu text:promised), I’m going to be doing a number posts on using iCloud with Core Data. I’m not sure how many there will be, I’ll keep going as long as it takes. Today I’m starting off with some things that, while not actually bugs, may catch a developer off guard. In this post I’m sticking to how iCloud is designed to work, and not getting into the questions of how and when it doesn’t work. ...
JSON and Property Lists: Alternate Universe Siblings Apr 3, 2013 Update: This post is old but still accurate as far as comparing JSON with property lists, with examples for Objective-C code. If you’re using Swift, see my newer post that updates this one for Codable and Swift examples. Mac OS X and iOS include support for JSON and property lists, two generic structured data formats, both in common use in different places. If Stack Overflow is any indication, there’s a fair amount of confusion regarding the two. ...
Rich Siegel on iCloud Mar 28, 2013 “Don’t you just turn on iCloud syncing, and it all Just Works?” Rich gets into a lot more technical detail than most of the other iCloud coverage that's come out recently. ...